
's computer designed drawings

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drawing design steps

  1. Basis are all informations I could get
    • for instance web sites
      trli1.gif (9978 Byte)
    • papers, journals, books, e-mails, photographs.
      trli2.gif (9868 Byte)
  2. Then I design some sketches.
    trs0.gif (7537 Byte)
  3. The geometric measurements give me the frame.
    trs1.gif (7390 Byte)
  4. I create the shape of the body.
    trs2.gif (4666 Byte)
  5. In the next step I finish the shape of the body and choose the colors.
    trs3.gif (6065 Byte)
  6. At last I add the details.
    trs4.gif (8677 Byte)
  7. Finaly I design the CDes-outfit.
    cd31-0080tr.gif (18176 Byte)

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    CDes production steps

  1. discover the best drawings and get an idea how they could be placed on a poster
  2. use the mgxlogo.gif (1345 Byte) 'designer 3.0'  to combine these drawings and give them a CDes-number
  3. print the CDes with an ink printer
    druckk.gif (15416 Byte)  (please enter the animation!)

    epson.jpg (13469 Byte) 'stylus 1520' with a resolution of 720x720 dpi

  4. in a size from DIN A4 (21,00 cm x 29,70 cm) versus US A (8.50 in x 11.00 in)
    to DIN A3 (29,70 cm x 42.00 cm) versus US B (11.00 in x 17.00 in)
  5. sign the poster with  my name and the design year

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Thrust TSSC details
    => enlarge
    CDes# cd31-0080de => order now

Thrust TSSC (4 views)
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    CDes# cd31-0080tr => order now

Thrust TSSC record
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    CDes# cd31-0080sp => order now

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